Our team will show you exactly what’s holding up your CMMS performance together with a roadmap to get your asset management strategy back on track.
A Banetti Health Check is both a collaborative and thorough review of your Maximo implementation and its suitability to meet your organization’s goals and objectives as related to Reliability, Maintenance, and Operational efficiencies.
Identify the goals and objectives you would like to achieve, then establish an acceptable time frame. With these in hand, outlining the boundaries that will keep the project on track will be easier and allow for a successful Health Check as well as a successfully executed future project.
We have all heard that a failure to plan is a plan to fail. While, that does not mean that a plan alone will generate success, it is a foundational component. A solid plan is a visible communication tool that allows others to participate, work alongside, and join in while creating buy-in and transparency about the brighter future to come. A plan does not define success ... It breeds it.
With goals set and a plan in place, the assessment is where the rubber meets the road. Here is when staying true to the objective is hardest, but also most critical to the project success. We focus on the elements that will ensure the delivery of the overall goals while capturing and tracking those items that will need to be addressed in future efforts as part of the continuous improvement plan.
The final report reframes the assessment results back into alignment with the Scope, generating management support and buy-in through a clear and concise message stating why and how this will be done and how it will be bound to stay within the timeframe and budget allotted. The report also provides detailed understanding of where we are, where we intend to be, and the gaps that must be closed. This allows stakeholders and execution staff to share in the clear vision of future success.
It's time to act before delays negatively impact morale and your project. With management buy-in, stakeholder support and the troops rallied, get the Core Team defined and your vendor partner on board. Developing the execution plan based upon the Health Check results is straight forward and easily kept in scope while delivering clear and measurable ROI.
We understand how complex systems can create outsized demand for support of systems and users. At Banetti, we work with the IT teams so simplify the deployments and improve usability in order to reduce that support overhead.
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The world’s best run organizations use Banetti.
This project achieved 250% ROI in its first two years and expects the same rate of return for years to come.
Banetti worked with “Top 5” to help them gain full insight into their global manufacturing plants while standardizing practices. The challenge was significant: 160+ plants; 900+ facilities; 40+ countries; 100’s of applications; and no standard in place. We have successfully implemented innovative, reliability driven asset management solutions across numerous Consumer Products, Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Device Manufacturing facilities globally.