Calibration compares an asset’s performance to standards of known accuracy. This is an important technique that companies perform to ensure an asset is functioning properly. IBM Maximo Calibration automatically calibrates your assets and provides you with detailed documents and auditable reports to help you ensure the accuracy of the calibration.
IBM Maximo Calibration is a solution that you can customize to improve the efficiency of all of your assets. You can configure it specifically to apply to each asset, calibrating job plans and work orders. It can also be linked to an external system to calculate uncertainty measurement data.
You can create and configure tools for calibration. Tools can be configured as rotating items and tracked as assets. They can also be assigned qualifications to help ensure they’re used by trained technicians. To help you identify tools, you can record certain attributes such as the issue unit or whether the tool is calibrated internally or externally.
When a set of instruments is grouped together for calibration, this is called a loop. You can identify a location as part of a loop in the locations tab on the site.
You can then associate assets with the loop under the location field for each asset. Data sheets can be associated with locations, requiring certain information such as calibration points or function checks.
A tool record lets you associate information with the tools you use to perform work. You can apply alternate tools for the same work if you don’t have enough tools. You can also associate data sheets with your tool records to measure the performance of the tool.
Manually calibrating a piece of equipment requires a lot of information that isn’t always easily accessible. Maximo calibration can be used from a mobile device to help support your calibrations with the proper information.
Automating your process of calibrating from end to end ensures that each product is performing at optimum efficiency and that there are no errors in paperwork. This automated process can help you search for whatever you need whenever you need it.
In the Life Sciences industry, every piece of equipment has to be compliant with certain standards of how it is calibrated and maintained. Equipment that is manually calibrated is often improperly calibrated because the technician lacks the proper expertise.
IBM Maximo Calibration functionality can be used to support life sciences by ensuring that they are compliant with FDA standards. It also gives you a record of when your equipment was calibrated, which improves the traceability of each asset.
This traceability is important to allow regulators to search the asset’s history and ensure it meets standards. You can also utilize reverse traceability to search for any assets that were calibrated by a certain standard.